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The Saturday Rain Review

18 Jan

I did absolutely nothing today. It simply rained and was cold the entire day, so I didn’t even leave the house. This is a journal of how I killed the time. It is a testimonial of laziness to the extreme. Enjoy.


1:30 a.m. : Came home from bar hopping and hanging out on Calle Larga. Went to bed by 2.

10:30 a.m. : Finally accepted the fact that I wasn’t going to get anymore sleep so I reluctantly got out of bed. Ate breakfast and returned to the bedroom to figure out how to work the new iPod shuffle that I bought last night from my student. It was brought back from the U.S. by her husband, and though it costs $50 there, she charged me $70 after some haggling. It only has 1 Gb, but at least I’ll have something to listen to now on the long bus rides. The only problem is that it can only be charged through a computer.

12:25 p.m. : After three tries at loading songs onto the iPod, I finally got the songs I wanted. Took a shower, brushed my teeth, and put on deodorant. Then immediately got back into pajamas and started watching “The Office” on my laptop in bed.

12:45 : Started to feel a cold coming on. Sneezed about 40 times and my nose became a faucet. Put on a sweater and tucked my arms into the sleeves. Sneezing out of control. Only stopping occasionally to rub my eyes.

1:15 : Had lunch with the host family. To avoid sneezing throughout the meal I had to sniffle for 30 minutes and pinch at my nose with a napkin, roughing up the skin. Discussed the possibility of going to the park to play frisbee if the rain would hold off, but no sooner than my host mother said the rain would stay away, depending on the wind, than the rain began to fall on the house.

2:00 : Called my friend to confirm that we would not be going to the park because of the rain. Watched three more episodes of “The Office.”

2:45 : Took a 25 minute nap until my host mom came by to tell me a package was waiting for me at the post office. I’ll have to deal with that mess on Monday. If all goes well.

3:30 : Read 10 pages in “Moby Dick,” the Spanish version for children. Rain continued to come in hard on the glass roof. No chance of leaving the house today confirmed as I sneezed for the 178th time.

4:15 : Attempted to get on the Internet for the 4th time today, as the signal was extremely weak all afternoon. Finally found success in a corner of the house near the router. Checked email, headlines, and Facebook.

4:20 : Looked up some new vocabulary words in Spanish on Wordreference.

4:30 : Skyped with my friend Paul who is back in Florida. First time we’d talked and heard each others voices since the summer. Talked for almost a half hour until the signal was so bad that we completely broke off. It continued to rain and be cold. My feet have been freezing all day. My nose is hemorrhaging.

5:15 : Watched three more consecutive episodes of “The Office.” Was disappointed to find that one of the discs was messed up and one episode didn’t work. That now makes one full disc that didn’t work and another episode on a different disc that didn’t work. So far this purchase was a let down. Still cold. Still sneezing. Still raining.

7:28 : Had dinner of Kraft Macaroni n Cheese. Good, but not quite filling. Also had tea with knockoff Ritz crackers. Contemplating leaving the house to get a kabab, but that would involve putting on a pair of pants and a jacket, as well as leaving the house. Decision made to delay until absolutely necessary.

7:50 : Watched the 8th and 9th episodes of “The Office” for the day. Considering watching more, but wary of killing it. Sneezed for the 349th time. Nose is in full rebellion. Can only breath out of mouth.

8:50 : Airway to nose has reopened, but sneezing continues. It sounds like the raining has stopped. Wondering if it’s worth getting a kabab at this point. I really don’t want to have to get dressed. Eyelids are heavy. Wish I had some chicken noodle soup and a TNT movie marathon. Most likely movie selections for marathon: “Forrest Gump,” “Gladiator,” and “Saving Private Ryan.” The sagging hole in my bed is so deep from sitting on it all day that it’s a struggle to get out. Counting down hours until sleep.